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This will be the area of largest expansion. This is where people will be able to shop for add-ons in the future to buy more skills, etc. Linked very closely to the Strategy section - As to perform certain strategies, you need to have certain skills. Likely these two sections will be swapped eventually, so you pick skills first. This is what I sometimes call "tooling" or "tools" - The ability for the LLM to do something outside of chatting. This is your data scrapers, your social integrations, etc . The doing part of the work-flow. Other examples might be text-to-speech, Speech-to-text, the ability to generate images and work them into a comic or e-book.
A good set of skills, is what allows strong strategies, which in turn the models from chat bots, to task completing agents.
e.g. Weather information - Get weather from location, and it knows to pass the location to the database it is asking for data from, and it knows when it calls that tool, what data to expect in return. The model then puts that data into the widget and returns it to the user.
Note: In the future, in multi-agent workflows, the model may instead return the data to another agent, whose job it is is to collect data from a few sources, and make *some* different end result.